Summary: | High specific strength, stiffness and damage tolerance dominate the choice of
material selection in aviation as well as wind energy sector. Composite materials offer
superior weight specific properties and have been extensively used in the
aforementioned fields. Due to their anisotropic nature, bi-axial failure response of
composites has received significant attention over the years. Apparently, majority of
the research has been focused on quasi-isotropic laminate configurations under bi-axial
tension, with limited studies on cross ply configurations of glass fibre reinforced
polymers (GFRP).
With efforts to address this shortfall, the primary aim of the current study was to
perform finite element analysis and numerically analyse the failure response of
[0/90]s cross ply GFRP laminates, subject to bi-axial tension, tension-compression
and combined tension-shear loads. Cruciform and butterfly specimens were modelled
using an explicit solver in commercial finite element software ABAQUS®, with
Hashin damage as the initiation criteria. Loads were applied under displacement
control. Failure mechanisms, load-displacement responses and failure envelops were
obtained for the specimen models.
For cruciform cross ply laminate, an un-notched specimen was first modelled to study
its behaviour and provide a benchmark for the proceeding analysis. It was determined
that the cross ply laminates exhibit bi-axial strengthening behaviour for the different
notch lengths and orientation angles that were analysed. A shift from notch sensitive
to a notch –insensitive behaviour was also observed as the transverse directional load
began to dominate, for the 0º notch orientation. 30º and 45º notched specimens
showed notch sensitive behaviour for all the load ratios. Although, close co-relation
was seen between the numerical analysis and the experiments conducted by previous
researchers, deviation of results at certain load ratios which have been documented,
still require precise explanation. Butterfly specimen model loaded under tension-shear
also showed a notch sensitive response, with a significant reduction in failure
strength as the shear load began to dominate, due to the absence of major shear load
bearing plies. Intra-laminar crack opening mode, a mixed failure mode and in plane
shear failure mode were also identified for the studied load angles.