Summary: | Over the past few decades, there has been numerous and extensive studies conducted on
free convection along cylinders. Free convection is commonly studied around cylindrical
objects as they are the ones that are normally encountered in real-life engineering
applications such as pipes, coils and wires, just to name a few. Some of the surface heating
conditions that were employed in these studies were the uniform wall temperature, the
variable wall temperature, the constant wall heat flux and the variable wall heat flux.
Moreover, these studies mainly employed either numerical or experimental methods for
their analysis. Hence, this study conducted by the author focused on the free convection
along a heated vertical cylinder, applying both numerical and analytical methods. The
surface heating condition used was the variable wall temperature.
Following an extensive literature review on convective heat transfer, the free convection
along a heated vertical cylinder problem was defined. Following that, a mathematical
formulation was conducted for the problem. Next, the velocity profile, temperature
profile, skin friction coefficient profile and the heat transfer rate profile graphs were
plotted (as ξ,n and Pr values were varied), using the “Maple” software. In general, the
skin friction coefficient drops while the heat transfer rate rises as n and Pr was increased.
However, an anomaly was observed for the case of n = 2.
Following this, a perturbation technique was employed to detemine the analytical
solutions. These solutions was applied to determine the skin friction coefficient values
and heat transfer rate values. However, these analytical solutions were only applicable
for either small (ξ < 1) or very large values of ξ. Nonetheless, it was determined that the
analytical solutions obtained had a high degree of accuracy (percentage errors of less
than 5% was obtained).
This author’s main aim, which was to study the free convection along a heated vertical
cylinder using numerical and analytical solutions, was achieved. The insights from these
results can serve as a comparison with previous research and can be applied to simulate
natural convection heat transfer for other object geometries, orientations and surface
heating conditions.