Summary: | An HVAC system is responsible for the ambient control of air temperature and
ventilation. It consists of a multiple sub-system. One of them is the air handing unit or
AHU, it’s responsible for the air ventilation of a building. It’s a single fan or a fan array
in the AHU. It is an important element to force air along the system. In this component
most of the systems consist of a single fan but nowadays the use of fan arrays are
increasing. Even though the fan array consumes more power and energy than a large
single fan, it offers better continuity and distribution of air flow along the system.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration report on commercial
buildings, 16 percent of the electricity is consumed in the ventilation process. Therefore,
optimizing the fan array is significant for energy saving.
The study uses a fan model created from the manufacturer with the specifications of the
fan’s performance graph curve using the aerodynamics and physics of the fan’s velocity
laws. However, the model has fan speed limitations. Every fan in the fan array must
rotate at the same speed. Therefore, the simulation can show approximately optimal
operating point.
Although the study wasn’t done within an air handling unit (AHU). The control design is
shown and explained in the last part of this report. The fan array controller is ARM
STM32 with a support board. This report describes the initial design of the controller
preparing the implementation to a fan array in air handling unit.