Resumo: | With the emphasis of exercise as a means of disease prevention, more Singaporeans are becoming more physically active (National Health Survey, 2010). There is however a concern among Singapore adolescents on their motives of exercising. This study will seek to investigate the relationship between body image and exercise in adolescents. The focus will be on adolescents in Singapore, in particular secondary school students aged 14-16 years old. It is hypothesized that the more insecure an individual is about their own body image, the higher the level of exercise participation. Past studies in Singapore have focused on factors influencing body image and its impact on the development of eating disorders among Singaporean adults. There have been no research done on the relationship between body image and exercise in adolescents, particularly in the context of Singapore. A survey questionnaire was administered to 99 students of one secondary school of researcher’s choice. It included measures of exercise participation, body image and exercise motives. Results from the survey found that the boys had a higher body esteem and self-esteem than the girls. Also, a significant number indicated that their motives for exercise are for health purposes. In terms of the relationship between body image and exercise motivations, a lower body esteem had a significant correlation with the motives of weight management and improving appearance. The findings of this study will be useful in targeted intervention programs for school students who are at risk of body image dissatisfaction.