Summary: | Technology have evolved over the years, cars have since been shifting from using petrol as fuel to using electricity to power the car. In order for electric car to work efficiently, the most critical component is to reduce the weight of the car as the battery already take up a huge portion on the weight of the car. Hence, more car manufacturers have started to increase the proportion of aluminium in their production as aluminium is one of the most lightweight and most abundant metal on earth[1].
The aim of this project was to have an in-depth study on the metallography of aluminium 6061 alloy as well as the microstructure under various loadings being applied. Thereafter, the specimens will undergo a series of metallographic preparation process that consist of mounting, grinding, polishing and etching. Microstructure is the basis of the mechanical properties of the metal[2]. Hence by looking at the microstructure of aluminium, we are able to determine whether aluminium can be used in greater proportion in the automobile industry.
Microstructure of the specimen will be analysed using Optical Microscope (OM) at 5X, 10X and 20X magnification followed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) where the specimen could be analysed further. The data and images obtained will be analysed and compared with “more experienced” sources to validate the results.