Summary: | Over the years, there have been numerous ways of carrying out the process of sound
event classification. Some of these known methods consists of the use of the
spectrogram, a time-frequency spectral analysis that depicts the magnitude spectrum
of the signal within a 2D time-frequency plane. Though useful, there could have been
further improvements that could have been made. For example, what if the phase
spectrum was included as well? Would it have been able to provide more
distinguishable features to the sound for effective sound classification? Therefore, in
this Final Year Project, an evaluation will be carried out for a process called
“Regularized 2D complex-log-Fourier transform”, which was originally proposed by
Jiang Xudong and Ren Jianfeng. In the “Regularized 2D complex-log-Fourier
transform”, both magnitude and phase spectrums of the signal will be utilized for the
sound event classification. In addition, the Principal Component Analysis, PCA, will
be used to facilitate in the removal of unnecessary features in the samples which might
pose an issue during the classification process. Finally, the method chosen for the
sound classification is to calculate “Mahalanobis Distance” between the test samples
and the reference data of the training samples.