Summary: | Soil–Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) represents the functional relationship between water
content and soil suction. The SWCC follows different paths on drying and wetting resulting in
hysteresis. Drying and wetting soil-water characteristic curves (SWCCs) are obtained for three
uniform sandy soils of different grain size range using a Tempe cell and flexible wall apparatus.
The test data is fitted to Fredlund and Xing’s (1994) equation with initialization of fitting
parameters from Chin et al. (2010) method. The coarse-grained sand has a lower air-entry-value,
residual matric suction and water-entry value than that of the fine-grained sand. The drying
SWCCs of the three uniform sands were of a similar shape. The effect of confining pressure on
drying SWCC was briefly studied and it was found that the air-entry-value of the sand increased
slightly with a reduction in initial water content. The amount of hysteresis between the drying and
wetting curves for the three sands were found to be of similar order. This suggests that the
uniformity of sands plays a large role in determining the amount of hysteresis between the drying
and wetting SWCCs. Under positive pore-water pressure (negative matric suction), water was
observed to be continuously flowing through the sand specimen when the applied suction is higher
than the hydrostatic pressure at half-height of the specimen. However, when the applied suction
is equivalent to the hydrostatic pressure at half-height of the specimen, the water flow was
stabilized upon saturation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hysteresis loop for SWCC for
sands can be closed at hydrostatic pressure, regardless of the type of sands.