Summary: | The scene where people are commuting on Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs) these days are increasingly prevalent. However, there is an underlying issue with these devices; safety. Safety issue of these devices come into play when commuters, especially the younger generations or those who utilises these machines to run errands, travel above the recommended speed limits. Speeding can cause serious injuries to pedestrians or sometimes lead to fatal accidents. PMDs were designed to be a greener commuting solution to people, but the increased numbers of accidents are making people wary about these devices. Speed limits on these devices have been imposed since. This however did not decrease accident rates significantly. PMD riders started to make modifications to allow them to ride at speeds exceeding the imposed speed limits on pedestrian walkways. The government has also passed down regulations to deter and prevent users from speeding, which may not be the best solution to address the safety aspect on this mode of commute.