Summary: | Additive Manufacturing is first introduced in the eighties and it have been growing popularity since then. As the technology advance, 3D printed electronic is introduced to the world and the market for 3D printed electronic has been increasing over the years. A study of additive manufacturing technologies and temperature sensors were discussed in this project. Temperature sensor such as thermistor is widely used in various industries, there is a possibility in customizing sensors for effect analysis. The difference between Inkjet and Aerosol Jet were covered in this report and Aerosol Jet was selected to print the thermistor for experiment due to the capability of printing thin line width.
Width is one of the key factors in resistance and roughness determine the quality of line. Printer speed, sheath gas and carrier gas are the important parameters in controlling the width and roughness of the line. Design of experiment was used to find the desired line width and reduce the roughness. Furthermore, it introduced the relationship between printer speed, sheath gas and carrier gas with width and roughness. The different experiment groups such as line width, layers printed and length of thermistor will be conducted to find out the factor that will affects the resistance of thermistor. The 3D printed thermistors were measured using LabVIEW and NI instrument for change in resistance measurement. Data recorded were obtained to calculate the sensitivity of the 3D printed thermistors. Lastly, the causes that affect thermistor and an optimized dimension of thermistor will be discussed in this report.