Summary: | Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is one of the unpreventable issue in circuit
designed. Therefore the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is deemed as one of
the hot topic in engineering design nowadays. This is because the trend of using
electronic device is increasing tremendously. However, the electronic devices
nowadays have the tendency to decrease in size due to the fancy design and portability.
Therefore is even more difficult to provide a proper shielding to the EMI. Hence, it is
very important for engineer to come out a best shielding design in order to meet the
international requirement before put them into mass production.
The project is aimed to carry out various test to find out what are the suitable design
and material of the chassis that can provide the best electromagnetic shielding effect.
I am tasked to create a square loop antenna that can act as the noise source from
frequency range of 50Mhz to 1Ghz as to study the shielding ability of the chassis. An
EMC test chamber which provide by School of EEE, the Gigahertz Transverse
Electromagnetic (GTEM) Cell, will be used to conduct the radiated EMC test. Apart from this,
the arrangement of different shape and size of the aperture will be the key factor to identify
the best design.