Summary: | One interesting Speaker, Mr. Gonzalo Ferrer – SKOLTECH [5] mentioned that robot barely
perceive the world, which is formidably complex and process this limited data to plan their
motions. And one can also argue that on simple scenarios, the task of navigating is completely
solved. Nonetheless, full autonomy in robotics has not arrived yet.
In his talk, he presented an overview on robot navigation on dynamic environments. Under the
interaction with pedestrians, complex situations arise where known path planning techniques
provide poor solutions. He presented a new prediction approach on human motion and how to
integrate it under the same planning scheme, obtaining a more intelligent robot motion
behaviour. Some degree of uncertainty is unavoidable, due to the unpredictable nature of
pedestrians, making impossible a perfect accuracy on prediction.
And in this project, the objective is to create the functionality test robotic navigation using
TURTLEBOT3. The inbuilt-ROS TurtleBot3 robot can accommodate to the complex
manoeuvre applications and test it on a navigational system. A real-time imaging camera will
be installed on the robot to further enhance the capabilities of the robot. In addition, ultra
sonic sensor and Raspberry-pi camera are used for obstacle avoidance and real-time imaging
detection respectively. This helps to prevent collision because the sensor and camera can detect
the distance and provide the robot ample time to react and re-manoeuvre its course.