Summary: | The process and cost of trading is heavily burdened by paper administration and process [1].
According to the Ministry of Communications and Information (Singapore), the added cost is
about 20 per cent [1]. This can be solved by digitizing the bill of lading and putting them on a
blockchain-driven distributed ledger.
This project leverages on Corda, an open source blockchain platform, to create a proof-ofconcept
solution that simplifies and automate many of the functions of the bill of lading. The
solution enables storage, transfer, and signing of the bill of lading to be done digitally. Several
nodes are created to simulate the parties that are involved in the supply chain processes, with
each node having a web front-end to simplify management.
Putting it on the Corda network also allows accurate location tracking which is not possible
using traditional pen and paper. To do so, a huge network of nodes must be created to serve
as the backbone of the infrastructure. The proof-of-concept solution populates a huge
network of nodes in a text file that acts as witnesses to transactions that happens on the
ledger such as location updates.
Thus, the consignor and consignee can now oversee every passing of the shipment and
location update. Parties do not have to worry about spoofing of locations with these witness