Summary: | Blockchain technology is utilized in many fields in the industry due to its unique characteristics. The blockchain design is an innovative invention as it changes the way we store data and allow us to build our application in a decentralized manner without the need of a centralized organization for the application to function correctly. This is due to the characteristic of blockchain, it allows for the sharing of digital information to be distributed over the network while maintaining its integrity.
The usage of blockchain in the real world is still refining over the years as this technology is not yet mature. The key idea of this technology is attractive enough to entrepreneurs however as this technology have just come about, it is not tested to be secure enough in real world application. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to document the implementation of an education-based application that is build upon blockchain technology. It allows readers to get a clearer understanding of the basics of blockchain technology, the platforms that support the development of a blockchain application and how it can be used as the backend for applications.
The application, Bounty Hunt is developed in this project. It is a browser application that allows for users of this application to post their questions with a bounty append. The bounty will be rewarded to those answers that the questioner determined as correct. This encourages peer to peer learning between users of this application resulting a virtuous cycle. The simple application of blockchain have various potential as it can be utilized in many areas, such as a simple answer and query page where users can earn money or it can be used in test where professor question and students answer earning their respected score. Thus, highlighting the importance of the research into blockchain technology and the implementation of this application in this report.