Summary: | This research was conducted as the further study of previous research by
Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven& Tice (1998) about the causes of ego
depletion. Preleminary study by Mahabbati et al (2011) stated that external
factors had influenced ego depletion than internal. Internal factors include
psychological functions that drive human activities. The research consists of two
experiments. The first experiment was aimed for finding out the differences of
ego depletion in the individual under self�s executive function activities. Executive
function is the active, conscious self and also the center of conscious behaviors.
Using post test-only with non-equivalent control group design, the research was
held with 45 students as participants who then splitted to 3 groups (self-control
group, self-regulation group, and control group). The research utilized e-hunting
manipulation on self-control group and autobiography writing on the selfregulation
group. Ego depletion was measured using ego-depletion scale. Result
of the measurements show F-test = 15.562 with 0.000 (p<0.01) of significance. It
means that there is significant difference of ego depletion between self-control
group and self-regulation group. Second experiment was conducted to see the
difference of ego depletion on the individuals under choice-task activity. Choice is
the activity performed by individuals at any time. Using post test-only with nonequivalent
control griup design, the research was held with 45 students who then
splitted to high-choice group, low-choice group, and control group. The second
experiment utilized persuasive-speech as the manipulation. Manipulation by
choosing persuasive speech expected make cognitive dissonance that requires
energy. This experiment shows F-test = 0.211 with P = 0.811 (p>0.05). It means
that there are no differences of ego depletion between the high-choice and lowchoice