Summary: | Level of public awareness to save Indonesia is still low compared to other
citizens of the same income per capita. The statement is strengthened with the
data of Bank Indonesia that showed that from 138 million people of adult age who
haven�t had savings yet was 80 million people. Its means that many people in
Indonesia are still not accessing services and take advantage of banking
services, especially the low-middle income society. It certainly becomes a
separate problem for the bank and the government, because the funds into
unproductive to be developed in order to improve the welfare of the community.
There is an interesting phenomenon happened among small traders in the
market of Gede. The small traders who are often considered unable for saving
precisely can save their money for savings. The purpose of this study is to
determine the saving behavior in low-middle income individuals especially
retailer, but the researcher saw the motive for saving, the decision making
process, and how the retailer save before.
Qualitative approach that will be used in this research is a method of
phenomenology. This research uses six research subjects and two knowing
informants. The determining of research subjects was done by using purposive
sampling, which is a method that used to get subjects who appropriate with
determined criterias. The researcher will use in depth interview and observation
to collect the data.
The result showed that individual with low-middle income, especially small
traders have the willingness to save even the income is low. They save for a
specific purpose such as for education of their children, future need,
precautionary, and bequest motive. They save their money into three places,
bank, cooperative and �arisan�. Saving decision of the small traders are
influenced by social and internal factors. In choosing a saving place, most of the
subject are influenced by the environment, especially when they search some