Summary: | This qualitative study addresses to understand the formation process of
achievement motivation in Arabic learning of non-religious students faculty of
UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study emphasizes an exploration of the respondents
experiences during Arabic learning, and how they form an achievement
motivation in Arabic learning.
This study uses IPA approach (interpretive Phenomenological Analysis)
that focuses on assessment of student experiences in Arabic learning. The
participants in this study were three students from non-religious faculty. Subjects
were taken by purposive sampling method. The data collection method is in-depth
interviews. To know and understand the various experiences of students in Arabic
learning, researcher interviewed students as deep as possible again and over again,
and the type of interview was semi-structured interviews. With a semi-structured
interviews, respondents may expressed more experiences freely, without being
dictated by the researcher. Data analysis began by writing a transcription of all
interview results, giving the initial notes to identify the important themes, develop
important themes, noting the different cases, and conclude the results.
The results showed that the formation process of students motivation in
Arabic learning began by both a personal experiences related to academicreligious
dimention or just religious dimention. Academic-religious dimention
include the students experience and desire to understand religion
comprehensively, and to integrate between science and Islamic values. Religious
dimention includes experiences and desire to understand Islamic values for
everyday life. The students experiences formed a positive cognitive states, that
include self-efficacy, optimism and hope. The formation of achievement
motivation is also supported by an external elements such as lecturers, peers
support, media, and other learning equipments.