Summary: | Cellular phone is used intensively in daily life. Cellular phone and
internet are become one package recently. Users access information in the internet
everywhere and every time. The need of information of transportation route is the
example for it. Data of route with good accuracy are most preferred by user.
Data of transportation route of Trans-Jogja which are shown in mobile
application are easier to be accessed by user. Android operationg system is the
right choice because Android is the most popolar operating system for
smartphone. It is reported by Asymco in December 21, 2011.
Route information application which is based on Google Map in Android
operating system can find fastest route based on timetable, can find closest route
based on distance and can find five best route for Trans-Jogja route. Result of
finding is shown in Google Map. Algorithm to be used to find the route is Depth-
First Search (DFS) algorithm.
Result for this research is an Android application to find fastest route
based on timetable, closest route and five best route on Trans-Jogja route.
Features to choose shelter based on shelter name, pick shelter on the map, shelter
coordinate and Point of Interest (POI) make user easier to search the route.
Google Map is used as base to show the route information, and result of finding.