Summary: | Number plate recognition research in Indonesia is still likely to be
implemented in the parking system. Plate segmentation process is performed on a
static background (uniform). Number plate recognition can be developed not only
on the condition of a static background, but can be developed to recognize license
plates of vehicles that crossed the street highway in real time, so it can be
implemented to make the introduction of a real license plate with a dynamic
background conditions.
This study provides another alternative by car number plate character
recognition using connected component analysis and template matching in real
time using video recordings so that they can solve problems with the introduction
of a complex background and a moving car on the road.
Test results on 17 video data that the method successfully connected
component analysis is applied to the segmentation of the plate in real time with a
complex background conditions with the fastest time to perform segmentation of
the plate is 0.4201 seconds and the longest time 0.5618 seconds. While the
template matching method successfully perform the character recognition process
in real time with an average time of the introduction of 2-4 seconds. Of 110
characters successfully extracted, 95 characters successfully detected properly, so
the recognition success rate is 86.36%.