Summary: | Software systems have evolved as the challenges and problems to be accomodated
with them are also evolved. The programming languages of the software systems
have evolved from machine-dependent machine languages into object-oriented
programming languages, and then they matures into the application of modularity
principles to enhance the capabilities of system against more complex challenges.
Some studies have identified that modularity is one of the key success factors of
object-oriented software projects, but how modularity should be applied in these
projects is not clearly understood since it is still justified qualitatively. This
doctoral research proposes several approaches to answer this application of
modularity concept in object-oriented poftware projects, which are:
· Software Metrics (named Modularity Index) to measure quantitatively the
modularity level of object-oriented software projects.
· Software Framework (named Modularity Framework) which implements
the Modularity Index metrics in the form of web-based object-oriented
Software Integrated Development Environment.
The project data sources are taken sourceforge portal which are Open Source java
projects that are popular and architecturally good. The combination of Modularity
Framework which is a web-based Integrated Development Environment and
recommendations generated from Modularity Index should enable the application
of modularity approaches during the project's evolution which eventually will
increase the modularity of the project. From the case studies, verifications, and
validation during the research, it can be shown that the Modularity Index is able to
identify the weaknesses dan strengths of the JFreeChart project, and the
Modularity Framework is able to assist developers to improve the modularity of
their projects.