Summary: | This research used the Vegetation-Impervious Surface-Soil (V-I-S) model
as conceptual model proposed by Ridd in 1995 to simplify the heterogeneous of
urban environment into three basic ground components: vegetation, impervious
surface, and soil. Estimating, mapping and monitoring V-I-S components are
valuable task for providing spatial information to set up planning and
management of watershed area. Watersheds across DKI Jakarta as one unit river
region have been selected as study area due to dynamic change in urban
environment of DKI Jakarta also spatial synergism between DKI Jakarta and its
surrounding cities that emerge Jabodetabek.
The aims of this research are: (1) to obtain three basic components of
urban environments from Landsat data so as to characterize the urban area, (2) to
analyze spatial-temporal changes of the urban land cover at three periods, (3) to
examine intra-urban variations of land cover via comparative analyze of the V-I-S
components of the cities in study area. This research uses spectral mixture
analysis (SMA) for extracting V-I-S components from Multitemporal Landsat
data. Post classification change detection carried out by comparing the result of V-
I-S model periods 1975, 1990, 2000 and 2010. Map analysis in this study in scale
1:250,000 due to spatial resolution of Landsat MSS (57 meters) and 30 meters for
Landsat TM and ETM+.
The present study exhibits a great potential for accurate urban environment
through Ridd�s V-I-S model using Landsat GeoCover and/or GLS data. Classified
of percentage image fractions can characterized urban area and multi years data
utilized to urban change detection. The rapid expansion of Jakarta can be analyzed
through urban area change since 1975 until 2010 which caused by population
growth and human activities. Spatial comparison of intra-urban variation of DKI
Jakarta, Depok City and Bogor City described spatial expression of urban area
which characterize urban environment based on V-I-S components. DKI Jakarta
in lowland area dominated by impervious surface, Depok city is in middle stream
should preserve the reservoirs, and vegetation cover in Bogor city play an
important role.