Summary: | Hospital Management Information System (SIMRS) is an integrated
information system that is prepared to handle the entire process of hospital
management. One of the goals of management information system
implementation General Hospital Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten is to increase
the remuneration of personnel information services so that hospitals can improve
the motivation of personnel to work well and encourage achievement and may
improve the competitiveness of the hospital.
This study aims to analyze the Information Services Hospital Personnel
Remuneration is based on the tangible dimension of Service Quality, assurance,
reliability, responsiveness and empathy and to know the value gap between
perceptions and expectations of the service personnel remuneration of hospital
The results of the survey-based research, evaluative descriptive cross
sectional approach and quantitative analysis. Analysis of test results is the primary
data obtained from filling out a questionnaire about the service remuneration by
the respondents (personnel) and secondary data from hospital documents.