Čoahkkáigeassu: | Sea cucumber (Trepang) are cosmopolitan, especially in the exposure of
coral reefs, rocky, sandy and muddy. These animal slivein shallow watersto deep
sea. Most of thesea cucumber can be used as a food ingredient because it has a high
nutrient content, but no information about the content of essential fatty acids yet.
This studyaims to determine thediversity ofsea cucumbersthat livealong thebeach
of Dili as well asessential fattyacid content. Sampling was done by purposive
sampling method from the tidal area to a depth of 3m. Research carried out March -
April 2012. The type that obtained, identified by using a Monograph of Shallow
Water Indo-West Pacific Echinoderms. Preparation of fatty acid use traditional
methods of Bligh & Dyer and Morison & Shmith, while for the identification and
determination of essential fatty acid levels were analyzed by gas chromatography
(GC). The results identify the diversity of species of sea cucumbers consist of 12
species:Actinopyga crassa, A. Holothuria atra, H. coluber, H. fuscocinerea, H.
leucospilota, H. scabra, Stichopus herrmanni, S. horrens, S. quadrifasciatus,
Syanpta maculat, and Synaptula cf. denticulata. Analysis diversity of the essential
fatty acids in H. atra, H. scabra, and S. herrmanni