Summary: | Background: Postencephalitic epilepsy is not a rare complication of acute
encephalitis that require longlife treatment and affect quality of life. There are some
risk factors for development of postencephalitic epilepsy, the most important one is
seizure during acute encephalitis.
Objective: To determine the risk of having postencephalitic epilepsy based on the
presence of recurrent seizure and status epilepticus during acute phase of encephalitis.
Methods: A case-control study was conducted. 26 patients with postencephalitic
epilepsy were enrolled as case group, and 27 patients postencephalitic with other
sequele or no sequele as control group. The clinical data during acute phase of
encephalitis include recurrent seizure and status epilepticus were derived from data of
medical records of encephalitis patient in Dr. Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta.
Statistical analysis was done by using chi-square. Logistic regression analysis was
done to determine the role of risk factors.
Results: Total 53 children were enrolled. Of these, 41 (77,4 %) 6 months-5 years old
and 12 (22,6 %) 6-18 years old, 32 (60,4 %) male and 21 (39,6 %) female. The
children with recurrent seizure during acute encephalitis had increased risk of
developing postencephalitic epilepsy (OR 3,6