الملخص: | Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a product of irreversible non-enzymatic
process on one or both of N-terminal valine β-hemoglobin chain. Besides plasma
glucose levels, some conditions can affect the level of HbA1c. One of them is iron
deficiency anemia (IDA). Women of childbearing age have more risks to undergo
IDA because of pregnancy, birth, regular menstruation, and diet. The aims of this
study was to determine the effect of IDA on the HbA1c levels in women of
childbearing age and to determine the correlation between the diagnostic
parameters of IDA and HbA1c levels.
This study design is cross-sectional. Thirty women of childbearing age
with IDA and 30 healhty women were included in the study. The inclusion criteria
included woman, age 15-49 years, still menstruate regularly, no history of
histerectomy, no use of hematinic drugs, no history of DM or the use of anti
diabetic drugs. The exclusion criteria were : pregnancy, bleeding, fasting blood
glucose levels � 126 mg / dL, impaired renal function, hepatic cirrhosis, hemolytic
anemia, hemoglobinopathy, and folic acid deficiency. The parameters examined
were complete blood count (CBC), blood smear, serum ferritin levels, C-reaktif
protein (CRP), fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels. Iron deficiency anemia
was defined if the Hb levels < 12 mg% and ferritin levels < 12 ng/dL for CRP
levels < 5 mg/L. If CRP levels � 5 mg/L diagnosis of IDA based on Hb levels <
12 mg% and ferritin levels � 100 ng/dL. Independent t-test was used to compare
normally distributed continuous data. Mann-whitney test were used if the
distribution of the data was not normal. The data of HbA1c was changed to
categorical scale to determine the Odd�s Ratio (OR) with cutt of point 5,5%.
Pearson or Spearman corellation were used to determine the relationship between
diagnostic parameters of IDA with HbA1c levels.