Summary: | Background: Pre-diabetes is a condition that occurs when blood glucose levels
higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. People with
pre-diabetes in its development has three possibilities, about 1/3 will develop into
type 2 diabetes, 1/3 will remain a pre-diabetic, while 1/3 the rest into normoglikemi.
Based Riskesdas 2007, in Indonesia the prevalence of IGT gained almost twice the
prevalence of DM is 5.7% of total DM and IGT 10.2%. The prevalence of DM and
IGT in D.I. Yogyakarta is 5.4% and 8.4%. Base on the Integrated Disease
Surveillance report (STP) Yogyakarta City Health Department, the prevalence of
diabetes mellitus from 2008 until 2010 increased, in the year 2008 is 0.36%, in 2009
is 0.36% and in 2010 is 0.46% . Risk factors that can not be modified consists of race
and ethnicity, family history of diabetes and age. The modifiable risk factors are
overweight (BMI> 23 kg/m2), physical inactivity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and
Objective: To determine the incidence of pre-diabetes risk factors in men aged � 45
years in Danurejan, the district of Yogyakarta.
Research Methods: The study design was a cross-sectional to study the relationship
between obesity, physical activity, smoking and family history of DM in the prediabetes.
The sample in this study was as many as 141 people. Analysis of data is
univariate anaysis, bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis.
Result: There is significant association between obesity with prediabetes (p-value =
0,016), smoking with pre-diabetes (p-value = 0,038), physical activity with prediabetes
(p-value = 0,000) dan family history of DM with pre-diabetes (pvalue
= 0,000).
Conclusions: Obesity, smoking, physical activity and family history of DM had a
significant relationship and is a risk factor for the occurrence of pre-diabetes in men
aged � 45 years in District Danurejan city of Yogyakarta.