Summary: | Background: Development of health in Indonesia from 2010 to
2014 is aimed to increase access to basic, low-price and achievable health
with main priorities such as increasing health of mothers, babies, underfive-
year children, and panned family, which will be achieved by a societal
empowerment strategy. In performance of alert village, village midwives
are health workers widely playing their roles in developing societal health
according to their roles, namely as educators, motivators, facilitators, and
mediators in moving and empowering society to achieve autonomy and
effort to increase health, especially health care service to mothers and
Objective: To get description about the roles of village midwives in
developing societal health through management of alert village in subdistrict
of Amurang Timur.
Methods: This research was qualitative research using case study
design. Subjects consisted of primary informants, village midwives