Summary: | The flavor of sesame oil (Sesamum indicum L.) roasted have known to
have consumer acceptance level that better. Sesame oil flavor is soft and has a
specific aroma and flavor which is formed during roasting the seed prior to oil
extraction. The flavor formation is influenced by roasting temperature and time.
The aim of this research were to evaluated the effect of roasting temperature and
time on the physical chemical properties, sensory (hedonic and quantitative
descriptive analysis), and aroma compounds.
The research was carried out as following steps making of sesame oil
extraction with various of roasting temperature and time (180oC, 200oC and 220oC
for 10, 20 and 30 minutes), evaluation of the chemical physical and sensories
properties of sesame oil and the profile of oil aroma components. The design of
this study was complete randomized design. The data obtained, were analyzed
with ANOVA, and continued with DMRT test using the statistical program SPSS
version 16.0
The results showed that temperature and time of roasting were resulted to
the increase the oxidation product including peroxide numbers, p-anisidin, Totox
and TBARS. Roasting also affected in the color acceptability of oil and aroma
perception and compounds of sesame oil. The roasting temperature of 200oC for
10 minutes produced the highest yield (43.3 ± 0.14%). Peroxide numbers, panisidin,
Totox, TBARS and the highest color scores were shown in the roasting
temperature of 220oC for 30 minutes, i.e. 0.57 ± 0.12 meq / kg, 6.62 ± 0.91, p-