Summary: | The objectives of this study were to inventory predictor variables carcass
weight at live based on perseption of butchers and to examine statistical
relationship among predictor variables. The study consisted of two step, 1st study
was survey using 30 butchers in Yogyakarta, analyzed by descriptive analysis
and 2nd study was measuring predictor variables obtained in 1st study using 61
heads Simmental Crossbreed Ongole bulls, analyzed by correlation, regression,
and estimation curve analysis. The results of 1st study obtained 14 variables i.e.
body length (90.0%), coxae width (83.3%), skin thickness (66.7%), hindleg
(53.3%), foreleg (53.3 %), root tail width (46.7%), hearth depth (36.7%),
abdominal girth (36.7%), canon girth (30.0%), meat firmness (30.0%), tail length
(26.7%), lumbar width (20.0%), hump height (6.7%) and neck width (6.7%). The
seconds study obtained 13 variables had positive correlation (P<0.01) i.e. body
length (X1), coxae width (X4), skin thickness, hindleg, foreleg, root tail width (X5),
hearth depth (X7), abdominal girth (X2), canon girth, meat firmness, lumbar width,
hump height (X3), and neck width (X6), Regression equation for body weight was
Y= -993.882+1.446X1+1.994X2+3.025X3+4.284X4+8.902X5+5.260X6, determination
coefficient 0.898. Regression equation carcass weight was Y= -741.714+
1.779X1+2.346X3+1.048X2+2.448X4+3.160X6, determination coefficient 0.905.
Regression equation meat weight was Y= -749.427+2.349X1+1.988X7+1.858X3+
1.019X2+4.959X5, determination coefficient 0.902. Estimation curve equation
body weight was Y= -1243.169+15.311(X1)-0.021(X1)2 determination coefficient
0.654. Estimation curve equation carcass weight was Y= -559.207+5.611(X1)+
0.001(X1)2 determination coefficient 0.702. Estimation curve equation meat
weight was Y= -484.141+4.801(X1)+0.003 (X1)2 determination coefficient 0.709.
body length was greatest predictor variable body, carcass, and meat weight.