Summary: | This study proposed to answer two fundamental questions concerning the
implementation of the popular sovereignty principles in the general election in
Indonesia, namely, first, how the implementation of the principle of popular
sovereignty in the general election in Indonesia since the 1955 general elections until
the general election of 2009, secondly, how the ideal goal of elections in accordance
with the principle of popular sovereignty in a democratic system in Indonesia.
This research are empirical and non normative. The study was conducted to
examine the way library materials in the form of books, journals, research reports
and/ or secondary data discuss the implementation of the general election in
Indonesia associated with the sovereignty of the people. Implementation of
legislation (legal fact) which is arranging the elections in Indonesia are also treated as
part of social and political realities in the life of the nation.
From this study, the authors concluded that: the first application of the
principle of popular sovereignty in the general election in Indonesia since 1955 until
2009, very dynamic. The enthusiasm of the people of Indonesia to follow the
implementation of the elections as a means of popular sovereignty is not flat and
without any problems, many factors that influence the dynamics of development in
accordance with the surrounding statehood. A noble ideal of �elections as a means of
popular sovereignty� is not as easy to say it. The author observes a wide gap between
the concept of popular sovereignty as sollen das, das Sein with the realities and
problems of the election as the embodiment of popular sovereignty in Indonesia.
There are various obstacles to be overcome in order to actually generate the election
of a democratic government. Embodiment of popular sovereignty in the general
election and free and fair overflow should not ignore the present purposes are
accommodated in the form of guarantee of proportionality and the degree of
representativeness, the strengthening of representative institutions, as well as simplify
the party system, strengthening the presidential system of government, political
participation, and noted in particular Women's representation. Second, in a
democracy the people's rights should be respected and upheld. Not justified the
decision of the government that can harm people's rights, let alone a policy that aims
to suppress the people in the interest of the ruler. In this case, by adhering to the basic
philosophy of "democracy led by the inner wisdom of deliberations of
representatives", the organization of elections as a means of implementation of the
sovereignty of the people in Indonesia are not allowed out of the ideals and objectives
of the establishment of a Government of Indonesia to protect the whole Indonesian
nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, promote the general welfare, the
intellectual life of the nation, and participate in the establishment of a world order
based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice as mandated by the constitution.