Summary: | Research entitled Legal Protection of Indonesian Workers by Department of
Labor Employment, Population and Transmigration. (Study of Indonesian Labor
Deports from Malaysia) aims to determine the factors that led to Labor Indonesia
from East Java who became an undocumented status so that the deportees from
Malaysia, and protection of labor laws by the Indonesian Labor Department of
Employment, Population and Transmigration of East Java.
This study is an empirical legal research, research that focuses on the data of
field research (field research) in order to obtain primary data. Research literature
(library research) is also performed to support the primary data. Sampling was
carried out by Non Probably sampling techniques, namely the selection of the
sample by ignoring the principles of probability and not a random sample selection.
Data analysis techniques used in this study are a qualitative analysis.
Data are presented with descriptive method. The results showed that the
factors that cause workers from East Java Indonesia to the status of undocumented
(illegal) so that the deportees from Malaysia, are: workers terminated for no
apparent reason, workers return because the job is too heavy and / or a lot, workers
laid off because the employer / company suffered bankruptcy / bankruptcy, workers
inexpedient with the employer, sickness workers, do not have documents, passports
and work permits. Protection of Indonesian Workers by Department of Labor
Employment, Population and Transmigration of East Java Population is not
maximized, post-placement Empowerment of workers in quality and quantity
monitoring still needs improvement, especially after training. Another problem is
the content and training methodology that still uses a participatory approach to
formal and not so many participants are still less when implemented in the field.