Summary: | The whole research process is about the indigenous culture of the pesta
sekolah. Pesta sekolah culture is community participation through voluntary
contributions both morally and materially to lighten the burden of the cost of
education, especially at the college level. But by 2010 only 1% or 46 people from a
total of 3311 villagers of Gunung village who managed to get into college. So the aim
of this thesis is to know why the community participation through local wisdom pesta
sekolah are not able to push the in the village of Gunung students to enter college?
The issue above be explored with local knowledge and theories about the
stages of participation. Local knowledge is a collection of knowledge as a strategy for
the survival of people who have certain characters with realized in the form of values,
norms, beliefs and ethics. While the concept stage of the participation of deep analysis
of the problems, potentials and constraints encountered, the interests (needs) that were
then designed in a program to implement. Research sites located in the village of
Gunung-East Manggarai-NTT and the method used is a qualitative approach to
determine the extent of the role of pesta sekolah in education problem. The data then
be explored through interviews, observation and secondary data collection to then be
analyzed to reach an accurate conclusion.
The results showed that the main problem that causes local wisdom culture
pesta sekolah ineffective in Gunung Village encourages students get into college is
"cultural injustice where the culture pesta sekolah is only a benefit for the rich
community group". The main problem above is caused due to several factors: First,
the high poverty factor by the ratio of 78% and 22% of poor families in 2010 that
families are able to make the parents' ability to finance education dominant only at the
elementary level. Second, the low quality of human resources with porsentase:
preschool and did not complete elementary school reached 77%, 16% finished
elementary school, junior high school graduation 4%, graduated from senior high
school/vocational colleges 2% and 1% of the total population of 3311 in 2010. The
first recommendation on this study is the development of social arisan pesta sekolah
as an alternative for strengthening pesta sekolah. Secondly, the need for government
intervention to repair facilities of education to reduce poverty problem.