Summary: | This research was intended to analyze effect of internal factor including
age, training, working period, salary or wage, housing, facility and external
factors including attitude and use of field agricultural extension agent over
performance of agricultural extension agent in Liquica district, Timor Leste. Data
used in this research is primary data obtained by distributing questionnaire to
agricultural extension agent, farmer group and senior agricultural extension agent.
Data obtained is analyzed with Likert scale and dummy variable. Validity test and
reliability test was done on questions. Then, regression analysis is done to analyze
influence of internal and external factor. The result indicated that training and
attitude of agricultural extension agent influence positively and significant on
performance of agricultural extension agent.
Government should do education and training for agricultural extension
agent to improve their performance in the future. Government should encourage
extension agent to have good attitude in doing their work to improve performance,
provide facility according to extension agent need. Agricultural extension agent
should use maximally, government should provide better salary standard than
current salary to increase extensionist performance and government should build
house for extensionist in village, so extensionist performance can be increased.