Summary: | Land of the village treasury is one of the assets owned by the village. The transfer
of ownership of the village, especially in Yogyakarta Special Region, required a
long process undertaken by the applicant. Therefore, conducted a study to
determine the release and procurement of land in the hamlet of the village treasury
Jagalan Tegaltirto Village District Berbah Sleman district of Yogyakarta, forms
and compensation mechanisms are provided as well as the role of government in
the Lahore district land acquisition process and the release of the village treasury.
In obtaining the data, carried out field research and library research to support the
data obtained in the field. Overall data were analyzed qualitatively to produce
descriptive data analysis.
Land of the village treasury is the object of this study lies in the hamlet Jagalan
Tegaltirto Village District Berbah Sleman district of Yogyakarta. Land of the
village treasury is still within the scope of land belonging to the palace, so that the
required permits release of the Governor. Subjects who have the authority to
apply for the release of the village treasury land is owned / public enterprises,
government agencies and institutions are legal entities (religious charity). On the
release of its village land is not a cash sale, so no compensation. Replace the loss
which should be beneficial to the village and the residents who live in it.