Summary: | In the early of 20
century, colonial government began to implement the
ethical policy, which aims to develop education in the Netherlands Indies by no
exception in North Maluku. The development of colonial education was not separated
from the purpose to find employees out with low salaries in the region of North
Maluku. The purpose of this study was to describe the tendency of the people of
North Maluku in response to the system and educational development held by the
Dutch colonial government and private sector, and to examine the influential actors in
the development of modern education in North Maluku.
This study describes the development of education held by the colonial
government and the private sector (Zending and Islamic organizations) in North
Maluku at 1900-1942. A description about the development of the colonial
government and private education in North Maluku to open the other side of the
history of North Maluku, where the colonial education and private education to be an
interconnected chain. Historical sources used in this study was written sources such
as archives, books, journals, magazines, and other academic work which is obtained
from the ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia), the National
Library, the SonoBudoyo Library Yogyakarta, Faculty of Humanities Library at
GadjahMada University, Central Library at GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta
Ignatius college Library and Regional Library of North Maluku.
The study concludes that education that held by the colonial government at the
beginning of the 20
century in North Maluku received a positive response from the
community, but the educational system based on class and colors lines imposed by
the colonial government to be a factor inhibiting the development of colonial
education in North Maluku. The people of North Maluku tend to choose private
educatioan held by the Zending and Islamic organizations. The educational system
which is given by the colonial government and the private sector was also a source of
resistance community in North Maluku.