Summary: | The fast development of technology must be utilized in health domain,
especially in the hospital. Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital has run
Information System for hospital by using information tecnology and has tried to
develop it sustainably.
The aim of this research is to test the influence of Perceived Ease of Use
(PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) as well as Perceived Trust (PT) to the
intention of Use (IU) in the acceptance of Information System of the hospital by
doctors, nurses, medical assisstants, and administration.
By exploring factors that may give significant influence to the acceptance
of Information System of the hospital, the research is expected to be able to
recommend activity program that can increase the acceptance of Information
System by hospital officials to maintain sustainable development so that it can
become competitive excellence in service.
This research used Technology Acceptance Model to test factors that
influence the acceptance of Information System in hospital by the hospital
officials. The test used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least
Square (PLS) technique to analyze relationship between constructs. Data were
obtained by collecting questionnaires which were distributed to respondents. The
respondents are the employees of Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital who work
using Hospital Information System.
The result of the research shows that Perceived Usefulness and Perceived
Trust significantly influence the intention of use which in turn influence the
acceptance of Hospital Information system by the hospital officials. Perceived
Usefulness is influenced by the support from hospital management and Perceived
ease of use , while Perceived trust is influenced by Perceived security, Perceived
ease of use, and Perceived usefulness. Gender is found to be not significantly
matter in this case. Therefore, the development of hospital Information System
should be done by showing its function and reliability of use because it is secure,
easy to use and beneficial. That kind of development of hospital information
system is the one that will be accepted by the hospital officials.