Summary: | The results and discussion in this thesis would be sufficient to complete the
essential reference on the state of consciousness-defense and defense is still very
minimal. As is known, that the purpose of research in this thesis is to: (1) Knowing
the work of communication networks Mapusterad PNS formation and development in
order to defend the state of consciousness, (2) Knowing the factors that affect the
working of communication networks in order Mapusterad PNS formation and
development defend the state of consciousness, and (3) Knowing the pattern of
formation and development of the state civil defense awareness in Central Territorial
Headquarters of the Army level. This study uses a method of communication network
analysis to determine the pattern formation of the state civil defense awareness
Mapusterad to the interests of national defense.
Formation of consciousness of every citizen to defend the country does not
happen instantly or it just happened, but it requires a long process of
institutionalization and continuously, either in a residential, educational and work
environment. Institutionalizing the process would be more effective when messages
about defending the country flows from an individual to another individual within a
group, or from one group to another group in a communication network system which
is formed in a community environment. From the research found there are five clicks
(groups) are formed in a communication network system Mapusterad civil servants
working in the development of awareness to defend the country. Construction of the
state civil defense awareness Mapusterad, but because of the dialogue in the
communication network system of work is also influenced by other factors,
educational level, social activity and gender.
Solid state civil defense awareness Mapusterad will increase the role to play in
supporting the implementation of the basic tasks Pusterad. Seen from the point
kepentinganTNI in the implementation of the basic tasks as a means of national
defense, civil servants associated with the nature of the complement of the TNI, the
success or failure of the main tasks of the TNI is also determined by the presence of
PNS. As can be shared, that defense would stand tall and strong when supported by a
solid awareness of defending the country from all citizens, because the spirit of
defending the country is soul his country's defense.