Summary: | This study aims to see how the articulation of racism that was shown in the
football-themed cigarette advertisements. This study aims to see how the articulation
of racism that was shown in the football-themed cigarette advertisements. Ads that
had been analyzed were football-themed cigarette advertisement of Djarum
Supersoccer and Gudang Garam Intersport which had been aired on television
throughout 2010, especially during the World Cup event.
In order to find out the articulation of racism which displayed in both of those
advertisements, the researcher had combined the text research studies and audience
research studies. The researcher combined the text research and audience research
because researcher wanted to see the results of the construction of meaning through
the signs inside football-themed cigarette advertisement of Gudang Garam Inter Sport
and Djarum Super Soccer which completed with how the audience reception thinks
about those two ads.
The result of semiotics text analysis shows that both of Djarum Super Soccer
and Gudang Garam Intersport have equally showed the articulation of racism. Djarum
Super Soccer advert in African Animals version shows the articulation of racism in
the form of animal symbols that are identical to the Africa Continent. Furthermore,
Gudang Garam Intersport shows the articulation of racism in the form of White
People superiority against Blacks. On the other side, audience reception method by
using Focus Group Discussion shows the fact that viewers think critically and
suspiciously on both of those advertisements. Besides even one of the participants
had the same viewpoint with researchers in viewing advertisements although the
audience didn't use semiotics to see and interpret those ads.
The conclusion of the study shows that the articulation of racism in
advertisement of Gudang Garam Inter Sport and Djarum Super Soccer has become
the myth that the animal is identical to African football players. The Blacks are
identical to the violent, brutal, and unfair play. This articulation of racism has
affected the audience�s view point toward a certain race especially Blacks.