Summary: | This dissertation research talked about the institutionalization of the party with
focus in revealing the implications of the opened nomination list to the PPP and
PKB�s systemness Sampang, Madura in the legislative elections in 2009. PPP and
PKB Sampang cases were investigated by the consideration that both parties
shared the same identity as an Islamic-based parties which are strongly influenced
by culture personality of Kiai. Socio-cultural basis similiarity raises the question
of whether the application of open nomination can produce the same systemness
condition or not. Researcher are using three-dimensional systemness that is the
scope, density and regularity as the theoretical reference to uncover PPP and PKB
Sampang systemness at four electional activity which are the selecting of
candidates, mobilizing of the masses, campaigning and rising fund for the
Through in-depth interviews with informants who ran in the 2009
legislative elections, the results of this research indicated that the condition of
PPP and PKB�s systemness are low. This research also found that two sociocultural
factors that prevent the two parties to reached systemness. First, the
tendency of candidates to actively use the relationship links, pesantren links
(private Islamic-school links) and private political links instead of using parties
links for the purpose of candidacy. Second, inclusion model of kiai into parties
structure which made PPP and PKB candidates more depending on kiai. The
research also founded that the way of PPP and PKB candidates to organize their
candidacy tended simbiosis mutualism through a cultural networks. Individual
competition led the ability of PPP and PKB in developing the scope of party
control, internal cohesion and the parties procedures routine to oversee the entire
nomination activities became lower.
The results of this research also found a thread that indicates that the two
parties had different degrees systemness. PPP has the ability to establish
procedures for nominating politics than PKB. In PKB, the existence of candidacy
procedures can be countered easily by the influence of personage. On the other
hand, PPP candidates are able to enriched political sources (multiple resources) to
raised the mass thus reducing the dependence on the personage. While PKB
candidates are depended more on the core pattern of kiai personage (mono
resource) which are reinforced through marriage links, teacher-student or family
relationships (kin). This research showed that personage inclusion in PKB is
deeper than the personage in PPP, where the personage inclusion is
institutionalized so that the impact of such dependence is not as deep as PKB.
This theoretical implications of this research are strengthening in the renewable
theority that the use of such socio-cultural links can degrade party systemness.