Summary: | The use of wireless local area networks and internet are very important to
support Sermo�s GNSS-CORS Dam Deformation Monitoring System, because
Sermo�s GNSS station position which is used as a reference point requires
countinuous update via internet from other CORS stations neighborhood. The
most important thing in implementing wireless network is the wireless network
planning in order to avoid the problems in field.
The problem is, that wireless local area network design should meet all
the requirement needed such as the bandwidth needed, the function that the
stakeholder met, and the operation of that wireless local area network should not
break the frequency usage regulation in Indonesia.
This reseach was conducted to study the bandwidth needs of Sermo�s dam
deformation monitoring system, to design wireless network topology that meets
the system requirements, and calculating EIRP of all wireless network link in the
system that meet the regulations of the Ministry of Communications and
Information Republik of Indonesia. Wireless local area networks was built to
connect Sermo, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada and Balai
Besar Wilayah Sungai Serayu Opak�s office.
Design implementation and testing of broadband wireless equipment at
unlicence frequency of 2.4 GHz (Motorola PTP 100) and 5.8 GHz (Motorola
Motorola PTP and PTMP 5750AP/5760SM 58 300) resulted in 2.22 Mbps
bandwidth that is much greater than that required, 128.7 kbps, and the average
round trip delay of 19.2 ms. Antenna alignment information can be used as a
reference for wireless communications equipment maintenance.