Summary: | Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO) is the Executive in charge
of organizing the information and communication technology (ICT) in
government agencies, both local and Central, in realizing national good (Good
Governance). For this purpose it takes an institutional model that can support it.
In this study, researchers tried to create a model of institutional roles and
competencies that can be applied GCIO in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy (Kemenparekraf). Model made further tested by qualitative methods
with a technique Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Forum and Interview.
Institutional model, role and competency of the GCIO on Kemenparekraf
needs to be designed in several stages of the model. The early stages of Model is a
model Officer who manages Information and Documentation (PPID) that already
have a legal umbrella of the Central Government. The next Model, the model of
the second stage is to support ICT Committee. The third stage is the Model model
GCIO when Connected Government (c-Gov) has been reached. The second stage
of the Model can be described as the period of transition to the c-Gov is a
governance network (Networked Governance) which would of course be the
purpose of the implementation of the e-Gov.