Summary: | The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between school achievement
optimism of hearing impaired adolescents with self esteem, language
comprehension, and intelligence at SMPLB B Dena Upakara and SMPLB B Don
Bosco, Wonosobo. The amount of the subject in this study were 49 students,
consist of 27 female students and 22 male students, who studied in both schools.
The instrumens of the study are: scale, intelligence test, and documentation. The
scales used in this study were Self Esteem and Scale of School Achievement
Optimism. SON ed.1958 was used to measure intelligence. Language
comprehension score was collected from mean score of writing, reading
comprehension, and articulation. The result of the regression analysis showed
that there were very significant correlation between school achievement optimism
of hearing impaired adolescents with self esteem, language comprehension, and
intelligence (R=0,491 and p>0,01). From regression analysis was also obtained a
result that self esteem has dominant relationship with variable school
achievement optimism of 17,6% effective contribution (p<0,01) while language
comprehension and intelligence showed non significant effective contribution.
There are much as 24,1% of self esteem, language comprehension, and
intelligence effective contribution towards hearing impaired adolescents� school
achievement optimism. The other 73,9% were influenced by factors which were
not included as the main focus on this study.