Summary: | Nowadays, kidney disease globally comes to be the public health issue that
not only has an increasing number of mostly undiagnosed occurrences and terrible
outcome but also requaires a high cost for healthcare. The renal risk drugs have
been mostly used to patients with renal impaired renal function, which commonly
is in the form of combination leading to Drug-Related Problems (DRPs). The
aims of this research are to figure out: (1) the impact of pharmacist visitation on
the decrease of number renal risk drugs that is not appropriate with the guide and
percentage of pharmacist�s recommendation approved by doctors, (2) the number
of actual drug interaction and the actual adverse drug reactions, and (3) outcomes
from DRPs on patient with renal impairment hospitalized in a department of
internal medicine RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.
This is a quasi-experimental research supported by a pre and post-test
designs. The data collection is performed prospectively, singgle blind, with a non
random sampling method. The data collection is found during the visitation
through the recomendation to the doctors and the registration of medical record.
The number of samples fulfilling the inclusion criteria is 79 samples.
The result of the research then shows that there is an influence of
pharmacist�s visitation towards the decrease of numbers renal risk drugs that are
not appropriate with the guide, which in this study is from 38 to be 6 drugs. It is
also found that acceptance rate by doctors is 84,7%. The classification of renal
risk drugs that are not appropriate with the guide includes: NSAID (31,6%),
gastrointestinal disorder (28,9%), anti-bleeding (15,8%), anti-hypertension
(10,5%), antitussive (7,9%), diuretic (2,6%), and antibiotics (2,6%). The number
of the identified occurences experienced by 13,9% of patient. Meanwhile, the
adverse drug reaction are 15 occurrences experienced by 19,0% of patient.
The number of outcomes froms DRPs includes the new medical problems
(63,6%), none (18,2%), the risk of chronic disease increased (12,1%), treatment
failure (3,0%), and both treatment failure and new medical problems (3,0%).
The result of questionares on the doctors expectation towards the
pharmacist�s work includes the selected visitation (50% of doctor) and monitoring
adverse drug reactions (80% of doctor).