Summary: | This study is an effort to preparing the emergy balance sheet and the emergy
surplus-deficit report and also presenting the results of emergy indices analysis to
accommodate all the natural resources that produce energy that is owned and
controlled by the Provincial Government of Provinsi Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta
in the period 2006-2010, as a basis for policy in utilization of natural resource that
produce energy and its impact on the environment and the system as a whole.
Further development of the analysis method presented in this report will enable
policy-makers in this case the Provincial Government of Provinsi Daerah
IstimewaYogyakarta for the first time examine complete and worth between
economic and environmental accounting data before making a decision regarding
the policy on natural resources, energy, and the environment. The financial
statements of a public sector that is so far in Indonesia, never include natural
resources as a source of energy but a wealth of natural resources to be reckoned
with. The balance sheet produced by the Government only to dwell on the assets
of the country and never talk about natural resources and energy are controlled by
the Government. The balance sheet should include natural resources as a source of
energy, so that The balance sheet can actually be used as a basis for decision
making. Emergy is a statement of all energy used in the process of the work to
produce products or services within a unit of energy type. Emergy using
thermodynamic basis of all forms of energy, resource and human services, and
turn it into the equivalent of one form of energy. Unit of emergy is solar emjoule,
unit refers to the available energy of one kind that is consumed in the
transformation. Secondary data used in this study covers the objects of natural
resources in Provinsi Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta, such as agriculture, plantation,
forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, fuels for industrial, minerals group C, water
resources, water for consumption, sunlight, wind, rain, and air humidity and
pressure. Data taken in the form of relevant information on the total amount of
output of each object and the amount of production that the consumption of the population in the range of 2006-2010. There are two steps in the emergy
accounting cycle, namely: (1) making Left-right Energy Systems Diagram, and
(2) making of the emergy flow table, the emergy balance sheet and the emergy
surplus-deficit report. To strengthen the emergy accounting cycle, important to
analysis of the emergy balance sheet and the emergy surplus-deficit report with
emergy index calculation. The results of this study suggest that the inclusion of
available emergy from natural resources in the balance sheet and statement
emergy surplus-deficit emergy, making Provincial Government of Yogyakarta
will find information about the increase or decrease in total emergy flow is
generated and used in each year. By calculating the energy of natural resources
(emergy) and include emergy of the financial statements in government, means
the Government recognizes the existence of natural resources in the activities and
economic growth in their area. Seen from emergy indices, although the level of
the economy in Provinsi Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta in 2009 was pretty good,
but economic growth is still dominated by the use of non-renewable resource that
almost 70% of the total available emergy. In light of this, the Provincial
Government of Provinsi Daerah IstimewaYogyakar should continue to improve
the management and utilization of energy of natural resources, more efficiently
and effectively, because in the future there will certainly still emergy usage spikes
that followed the population growth as economic growth.