Summary: | Competition faced by private colleges and universities increasingly severe.
College, especially private colleges are required to work more professional in
managing the university. During this time, college performance measurement is
mostly done by using financial ratios and performance assessment conducted by
the National Accreditation Board.
This study aims to evaluate the application of Balanced Scorecard as the
organization's performance measurement system in Bandung Telkom Institute of
Management. Balanced Scorecard ideal should be able to translate and
communicate the vision and strategy of the organization, so as to overcome the
weaknesses of the performance measures that focus on financial performance.
This is done by conducting a comprehensive performance measurement
management from four perspectives, namely financial perspective, customer,
internal business processes and learning and growth.
The conclusion from this study indicate that the application of Balanced
Scorecard at the Bandung Telkom Institute of Management has not yet
comprehensive and well integrated, so it does not have a causal relationship. In
addition, the integration of the relationship between goals, indicators and targets
used in the Bandung Telkom Institute of Management is still lacking