Summary: | This research of Javanese Enclave of Bengkulu Province: A Study of Diachronic
Dialectology aims to make synchronic and diachronic description of the Java language found
in the enclave of Bengkulu. Synchronic description is divided into two kinds, synchronic
description of the vertical dimension and horizontal dimensions. Synchronous description of
the vertical dimension includes a description of phonological elements, morphological,
lexical, and a fleeting exposure of syntactic, while the horizontal dimensions of synchronous
descriptions related to the sociolinguistic aspects, in this case is the level of speech.
Meanwhile, the diachronic descriptions include an exposure of quantitative and qualitative
evidence of the Java language of Bengkulu enclave (BJEB). Quantitative evidence is
presented in the form of the calculation results of lexicostatistics, while the qualitative
evidence is presented in the form of exposure to the innovations that occur in BJEB, which
includes phonological and lexical innovations.
The study took two observation points, Kemumu village and Tangsi Duren village.
Data collection is performed by field data collection research method with field notes and
records technique. The primary data used for the analysis is obtained by structured interviews
using the Cultural Basic Vocabulary. Analysis data was performed with quantitative and
qualitative approaches. Data were analyzed synchronically from the level of phonology,
lexicon, morphology, morphophonetic, and syntax. The results are then compared with each
other to get the typical characteristics found in the Java language and in the enclave of
Bengkulu Province. Furthermore, the data were analyzed diachronically to determine the
level of kinship between dialects / subdialects being compared. To determine the degree of
kinship between the dialect-subdialect in the Java language in Bengkulu Province used
comparative methods with lexicostatistics. The results of data analysis are presented using
words and tables.
From the analysis that has been done, it seems that there are no significant differences
between BJEB with the Javenese language in the original region. The most visible differences
are on the lexical level. At the lexical level, there are many Javanese words that have been
replaced by Indonesian words. Another difference visible is the abandonment of the use of
speech level by the Java community in Bengkulu enclave in everyday conversation. Thus, it
can be concluded that BJEB is not significantly changed when compared to the Javanese
language in the original region, but it experienced a worsening developments. The worsening
developments can be seen from the abandonment of the Javanese language and the numbers
of users are lesser and lesser.