Summary: | The present thesis is about service quality of Identity Cards in Department of Population
and Civil Registration, Sorong Regency. Beginning from the failure on implementation of the
Identity Cards service in Sorong Regency which resulted in most community of Sorong Regency
at the early 2011 have not Identity Cards, therefore there are steps taken to overcome the
problems such Thus this thesis aims to measure the service quality of Identity Cards at the
Department of Population and Civil Registration, Sorong Regency.
The service quality in this research is the conformity on implementation of Identity Cards
service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration, Sorong Regency with the service
standards according to KEPMENPAN Number 63 Year 2004 (Ratminto & Winarsih 2005:23-
24), which consists of six indicators viz., service procedures, service time, service cost, service
product, means and facilities as well as the competence of service personnel.
The research method used in this research is a descriptive using qualitative approach. By
interview techniques, observation and documentation this research exploring and seeking for
information from 3 employees respoden and 70 community respondents who arrange Identity
Cards in Department of Population and Cipil Registration. Direct observation of on site service
and support of the existing documents add to the accuracy of data and information collected.
The results of research were from six indicators observed to measure the service quality
of Identity Cards in Department of Population and Civil Registration, Sorong Regency, 4
indicators including service procedures, service time, availability of means and facilities and
competence of service personnel were still poor or inadequate. Meanwhile, 2 indicators such as
service cost and services products was appropriate. Thus the conclusion from this research is the
service quality of Identity Cards in Department of Population and Civil registration, Sorong
Regency still inadequate.
Suggestions can be made were that a long procedure still needs to be simplified so in
accordance with the local environmental. Supervision from instance management needs to be
improved and tightened in order to put pressure on the subordinates so that more improve their
performance. Procurement and installation of electronic equipment should be accelerated so that
services electronically can be implemented immediately. And Increasing the capacity and
expertise of officers particularly the use of technology-based instrument so that the officers can
use the electronics-based equipment and instrument that will surely help to facilitate the
implementation of services.