Summary: | This study aimed to identify how far the effect of economic development of Jayapura city toward coastal areas specifically in the Northern and Southern of Jayapura district. This was a descriptive analytic study which using quantitative analysis. A number of the data which supporting development and progression of the coastal area of Jayapura City which then identified and collected to classify their positive and negative impacts. Thus we can determine the extent of the impact or influence of economic development of Jayapura city from period of 2005 - 2010.
This study resulted that economic development of Jayapura city had been so rapidly and steadily increasing every year in period of 2005 - 2010. These conditions had shifted the urban development from Jayapura city to the coastal areas and needed a wider coastal area, especially in BWK areas of North Jayapura and BWK area of South Jayapura. In general, the economic development of Jayapura city had been manifested through the
development of urban areas, and influenced rapidly and positively to all residents of Jayapura, especially to business units or business purposes, both large- and medium-scales. However, the rapid economic development of Jayapura city was basically had negative effect on the local population and coastal region had positive influence. The negative impact is felt more especially in Jayapura BWK North and South Jayapura at the center of urban activity and developments. Above conditions was evidenced by the function change for several conservation areas, including protected forests and mangrove forests, local residential areas, local residents may experience marginalization to their small and simple business scale, marine ecotourism degradation, deteriorating sanitation for households with all the consequences unnoticed by the local residents.