Summary: | The unique characteristics of flight catering services company and it high
complexity, requiring a method or approach to ensure each operational processes
run in accordance with the initial goal that has been set. Technology management
can be used as a solution, because by utilize the added value and the right
innovation of technology will produce a powerful weapon for industrialization,
increase the productivity, support of growth and improve the standard of live.
Assessment of technology management implementation was then performed to
determine the position and the utilization of technology in the company, which
technology used in its function as a transformer that converting all input to output
within a process of transformation. The technology consists of four interrelated
components, namely technoware, humanware, infoware and orgaware. The
Technometric method which was formulated by UNESCAP (1989) with company
adjustment used to determine their content of technology with a focus on the four
components of technology. Based on the results of the assessment, the company
has a technological contribution value of 0.57 of the maximum value 1, wherein
the very influential are component of humanware (decisiveness, the impact and
influence, level of education) and orgaware (operational development and the
mechanism of incentive system).