Summary: | Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantation has an ecological potency as a
carbon stock in a long time. However, data and information on biomass and
carbon concentration of all carbon pools on teak forests, especially in Perum
Perhutani management areas are limited. Aboveground biomass and carbon
measurements from teak stand carried out accurately in order to fulfil establish
teak forest carbon resource in should be support of implementation of REDD+
schemes. It is an internationa l mechanism to compensate developing countries
that successful in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation,
integrating aspects of conservation, managing forest sustainably and increasing
forest carbon stocks.
This study was aimed to develop allometric equations and Biomass
Expansion Factor s (BEFs) value on the aboveground teak stands and to assess the
potential stock of their aboveground and understorey biomass, carbon and CO2
sequestration. The study area was located in KPH Kebonharjo, Perum Perhutani
Unit I Central Java , Indonesia n teak plantation. The data were collected by
applying destructive sampling method which purposively selected the trees and
understorey samples from the productive forest classes (KU I - KU VI). Analysis
of the carbon concentration tested by using spectrophotometry with Walkley and
Black method. The assessment of biomass and carbon concentration of teak stands
was elaborated through allometric equation approach, while for understorey was
conducted by converting the sample plot area into the mean age of each teak
The results showed that the allometric equation to estimate aboveground
trees biomass and carbon concentration was Wag = 0.075.DBH
(adjusted R
0.991) and Cag = 0.033.DBH
(adjusted R
= 0.990). BEF value of abovegr ound
teak tree was 1.27 on average with BEF at age 5