Summary: | The distribution of Raja grass, especially in the beds 17 and 18 of the education forest
Wanagama I, Banaran Village, Playen Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Dictrict, might be found under
7 species of plantation forest stands, which were teak (Tectona grandis), Acacia mangium (A.
mangium), Mimba (Azadirachta indica), Acacia aulacocarpa (A. aulokokarpa), Kayu Putih
(Melaleuca leucadendra), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus pellita), and Gamal (Gliricidia sepium).
Though there have been many studies of various species of grass grooving in various places, the
information of the production and the quality of Raja grass in the condition under different
plantation forest stands was still highly limited. The study aimed at evaluating the condition of
the place where the green fodder of Raja grass for livestock, the productivity and the quality of
the green fodder grown under various species of plantation forest stands of Wanagama I in wet
and dry seasons. The study was conducted by preparing study plots of 1 x 1 m2
under the 7
species of the stands with 2 repetitions that there are 14 plots per season. The results of the study
showed that the best place in wet season was under the stands of Akasia aulococarpa with the
sunlight intensity of 175.36 � 193.93 foot candle, the mean atmospheric and soil temperatures
are 33.97°C � 37.30°C and 26.50°C � 30.57°, respectively, the mean atmospheric and soil
humidity are 49.40% � 53.86% and 48.62% � 54.36%, the mean pH of 6.53 � 6.87 and the soil
texture elements of sand, dust and clay were 28%-54%, 20%-23% and 23%-50%, the organic C
content of 2.64% - 4.33%, the total N content of 0.19% - 0.27%, the total P2O5, K2O, Ca, Mg,
Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents were 13-21 mg/100 g, 22-26 mg/100 g, 345-448 mg/100 g, 87-
141 mg/100 g, 37-48 mg/100g,